Common Mistakes to Avoid While Buying Term Insurance

Common mistakes to avoid while buying a term plan | Turtlemint blog

When you buy term insurance, you decide to safeguard your loved ones’ future. This coverage helps them to lead a financially stable life even in your absence. It is to protect your family in case of an unfortunate event.

Suppose your term insurance does not meet your family’s needs during such a scenario. Your devotion and concern for your family would turn into a complete waste of your money and resources.

There is a pool of insurance options and companies available today. When selecting an online term plan, avoid the common mistakes people make when buying term insurance. These lead to insufficient payouts, frustration to policyholders, and almost no term insurance benefits to nominees despite dutifully paid premiums.

Mistakes to Avoid while Buying Term Insurance Plans

  1. Insufficient Coverage

When you buy term insurance, multiply your current annual income with a minimum of 8–10. This is to incorporate inflation, increasing family expenses for children pursuing higher education, and so on. With age going up, health often suffers its lows. You will have to budget these expenses.

Hence, the coverage offered by the term insurance must do justice to your family’s growing needs. Insufficient coverage may have lower premium rates today, but such a term insurance benefit will not be as fruitful tomorrow.

  1. Lower Term Duration

The period of your term insurance is of the utmost importance. A 10-year term insurance may not do much justice if taken at the age of 20, as a policyholder will most likely live past the age of 30. Then, buying a new term plan at a later age will attract higher premium rates.

It is best to decide optimistically how to avoid expensive premiums. At the same time, choose an online term plan with a longer duration for your family to receive maximum term insurance benefits.

  1. Procrastinating

You may often hear people discuss insurance and its benefits. Turn talk into action and do your research. Take the plunge of buying an online term plan at a younger age. It will maximise term insurance benefits while still allowing you to pay an affordable premium.

Procrastinating on buying term insurance in your 30s or 40s will attract appropriate consequences. Insurance risks increase with the insurer’s age. If you decide to buy term insurance at a later age, you will be shelling out hefty premiums. The early bird does catch the worm in this case.

  1. Not Disclosing Correct Information

There have been several instances where policyholders have knowingly hidden existing illnesses when buying term insurance, only to attract lower premium payouts.

In such cases, the insurance companies have the right to refuse the claim. It results in very distressing times for your already grieving family. So, to enjoy term insurance benefits effectively, you must maintain transparency.

  1. Not Buying Online

Online term plans are available at the click of a button. You can leap into the world of insurance, coverage, and protection for your family from the ease and comfort of your home. At the same time, you enjoy discounts, offers, and a hassle-free experience. This will eliminate the chances of procrastinating as well.

  1. Considering Insurance Like an Investment

People who want to buy term insurance often end up comparing its benefits with that of an investment. It is important to understand that the main term insurance benefit is to financially protect your loved ones in your absence.

There are online term plans that offer maturity benefits. However, we cannot override the fact that insurance plans are protective tools and not investing tools.

  1. Selecting Incorrect Riders

It is important to select those riders or supplementary coverage that you need the most and suit your requirements. Each rider comes with its price. So, you need to make an informed choice to not go overboard or underboard with the additional coverage.


Avoid buying term insurance based on the lowest premium amount or without checking the coverage specifics, added riders, maturity benefits, and claim settlement procedures. In this way, you end up not providing adequate coverage for your family in your absence and losing your precious money and time. To make your term insurance benefits last, do not make the above mistakes when buying an online term plan.